Hola, peoples. Even though no one is reading this besides me so let me just say...hey, girl. This should be a cleansing experience and that is exactly what I'm going to start making it. My mind is soooooo frickin loud and sometimes quite annoying...I need to purge. So warning, Will Rogers, this may become quite random. Eff it.
Just got off of work. Working on the weekend sux, I don't give a shit if it's part time. It sux. It takes away from me being w/friends and fam and it gets old real quick. I try to share that w/hubby and he pooh poohs me bcuz how can it suck when it's only 8 hrs a day. Trust. It can suck. It's at a time when anything and EVERYTHING is going on and I'm missing it. I swear I'm only keeping this job bcuz I don't want my husband to think that I am a non-contributing loser since I haven't found anything in my field post graduation May '10. Sigh. My bad though bcuz I surely haven't been humping the way I should have been. I put all my dam eggs in one basket and when that basket got turned over all empty and ish I kind of froze. Now what???? Well, enough of that. I can't believe this month makes a yr. since graduation and I refuse REFUSE to be one of those geniuses w/a degree in Micro Biology working the register at Banana Republic. I understand but I can't do it. Or rather, I don't want to. Going back to school and finishing up was a HUGE accomplishment and I will not belittle it under any circumstance. Not having James here is harder than he understands. A partner keeps you on your toes, keeps you honest and "on." It's awesome even if you want to kick them in the eye every once in awhile. That's healthy. If your mate can't handle a kick in the eye every once in awhile what's the use?
I miss him. He had me singing Fleetwood Mac last weekend.
Hot mess. But there's nothing like having him by my side, he makes me feel strong and smart and loved. When he's not here... I just miss him. I'm telling you, I'm getting my period. Fred as he is known in my head. Frickin Fred. Man, no one tells you about hormones. Men suck, they have nothing to contend with except the occasional inappropriate hard on or blue ball. OOOOOOHHHHH. Whatever. I have been so droopy this week and then all of a sudden I'm happy and dancing around and then I don't want to speak to anyone and then I'm there. Yay, hormones. I'm gonna have to introduce myself to Mr. St. Johns Wort before I lose all my friends. Not cute. Welcome to 41. No, welcome to where I am right now. This too shall pass.
BTW, I warned you...random.