Seriously...I have no kids. I was never over 300# and then lost the weight to have my loose skin droop below my waist. I don't have a watermelon sized ulcer. I don't any of those things. lower belly sits there mocking me everyday. Oh look at your profile in the mirror; you look like a Russet potato. Oh look, you could get those jeans in that smaller size but where would I fit? Oh look, from the front you look like you have an ass up here too! Fuck that bitch! I must do work. My belly is so present she has a name. I call her...that bitch there.
That bitch there needs to get out of my life. Move on to smaller pastures and find your forever home far, far, away. I've been with her for some years now and she gets more unpleasant with age. I haven't seen my coochie in years. If I wasn't married I wouldn't know if it was still there. I want to see my full frontal cooch again...time to put in work.