Saturday, May 31, 2014

The weekend...

What is it about the weekend that makes me forget that I'm on a weight loss journey that has no off days? Friday comes and all I want to do is get the party started and pick up the pieces come Sunday. I was laying here in bed catching up on my IG and people are posting pics of themselves at the gym, at 5ks, taking a hike, preparing healthy breakfasts and I'm like damn....on a Sat.? Yes! On a Sat. I'm gonna get soon. I'm no longer swooning and coveting other peoples bodies I'm excited about creating my own. Looking forward to seeing my fine self. : p
Yesterday I pulled on a pair of pants that I wear all the time and they were swimming on me. I immediately looked down to see if I grabbed the wrong ones but nope...they were mine and they were  loose. Yes, Lawd! Though my workouts have waned, I've been eating 5-6x a day to keep my metabolism up. I've been adding my supplements to my smoothies and upping my water. It seems my body is positively responding to the regimen. Feels so good!
Now with all that said, why in the hell would I wreck it on the weekend? it.  Work in progress...

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