Wednesday, December 10, 2014

What I will NOT do!

Hell naw. The forties are tearing me a new one and I'm so not appreciating it. I swear every week is something new. This week it's bursitis...bur-frickin-sitis. Wth is that you ask? Well, let me tell you. It's this huge scary bump that appeared, literally, out of nowhere. I was chilling all day Sunday because of the sore on the roof of my mouth, that also, appeared out of nowhere. It was making it almost impossible to swallow without wincing in pain. So I'm laying there and I feel something at my elbow. A big bump, the size of a Willy Wonka dinosaur egg, was just there. Why??? What??? Cancer??? I wanted to cry. So far the 40's have brought on high blood pressure, eczema (that is spreading like wildfire btw), foot pain, and now bursitis. The cause is simple. The Dr. asked if I hurt my elbow, I told him a few days prior to the bump my elbow was hurting. But it went away after the bump. He nodded, yes, bursitis. So between the bone and joint there's a sac called the bursa. Mine filled with fluid because it was irritated and pushed out of the joint and continued to fill up and get infected. So now I'm on horse pill sized antibiotics for 10 days. So I read up on bursitis and realized that all my days of pushing off on my elbow while getting out of my tiny Pontiac Sunfire were over. My poor joints can't take it. Really? This is getting old?? I can't see that. No. I will not give in, roll over and let things just happen to me. I will get in the best shape of my life and laugh at deterioration. I want to spend the rest of my days even better than the first half.

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